Rugby World Cup 2023
Version 17.03.2021
These Special Terms and Conditions govern the sale of the tickets issued for the Rugby World Cup 2023 (the “Tournament”) that are acquired as part of a package that both grants their holders the right to watch one of the matches of the Tournament (a “Match of the Tournament”) and is bundled with inseparable travel and/or accommodation services (the “Ticket”).
The Tickets can only be bought from RUGBY HOSPITALITES ET VOYAGES (“FRANCE 2023”) or an official agent or other sales channel authorised by France 2023.
These T&Cs apply to any natural or legal person who acquires one or more Tickets from France 2023 or from any official agent (the “BUYER”), and to any BENEFICIARY (i.e. any person that benefits, in any way whatsoever, from a Ticket bought by the BUYER), each of whom being referred to as a “HOLDER”. FRANCE 2023 is entitled to modify these T&Cs from time to time, without notice. The version of the T&Cs that is applicable is the version accepted on the date on which the Ticket is bought. The BUYER’s placing of any order is confirmation of the BUYER’s full acceptance of these T&Cs. The BUYER hereby stands surety for the BENEFICIARY’s compliance with these T&Cs. The validation of the Ticket, and the HOLDER’s entry into any ticketed area of a stadium, will be tantamount to the HOLDER’s irrevocable acceptance of the terms and conditions which are applicable in all the stadiums in which Rugby World Cup 2023 matches will take place (the “Stadium Rules and Regulations”), which will be sent by e-mail to the BUYER, who must then send them to the BENEFICIARIES. The Stadium Rules and Regulations will also be displayed at the entrance to each stadium and are available to view on the Website of FRANCE 2023. Any HOLDER who does not comply with these Stadium Rules and Regulations may be denied access to the stadium or may be expelled from it without being entitled to claim a refund for their Ticket. These T&Cs will prevail over the provisions of the Stadium Rules and Regulations in case of any conflict.
Any terms that conflict with these T&Cs or the Stadium Rules and Regulations, such as any other contractual terms, are unenforceable against FRANCE 2023. No special terms and conditions will prevail over these T&Cs unless the parties expressly provide otherwise. These T&Cs will also prevail over the General Terms of Sale applicable to the Official Box Office of FRANCE 2023.
2.1. Purchasing terms
As stated in article 1, the Tickets may only be bought from FRANCE 2023 or from an official agent or a sales channel authorised by France 2023. FRANCE 2023 will be entitled to curtail or to extend the periods during which the Tickets are available for purchase, at any point in time, by any means and/or on any medium and via any intermediaries whatsoever.
FRANCE 2023 alone will decide through what channels the Tickets are distributed.
FRANCE 2023 will also be entitled to offer different terms of sale to certain BUYERS, such as priority buying rights for specific matches or stadiums.
Any Tickets that are obtained via a distribution channel other than those authorised by FRANCE 2023 will be null and void and may be cancelled without the HOLDER being entitled to any refund.
2.2. Delivery of the Ticket
For environmental reasons, Tickets will be delivered primarily in the form of an electronic ticket (“e-Tickets”), although exceptions to this rule may be made. Mobile tickets (“m-Tickets”) may also be delivered.
These Tickets may be sent by e-mail or made available in a dedicated space of a website operated for the Tournament.
The e-Ticket must be printed out in portrait mode on blank sheets of white A4 paper without altering the size of the printout, using an inkjet or laser printer. No other medium (tablet, computer smartphone, mobile telephone, etc.) may be used to present the Tickets. Any Ticket that is only partly printed out, or is soiled, damaged or illegible, will not be considered as valid and may not therefore grant its HOLDER access to the stadium.
FRANCE 2023 is entitled to cancel, without notice and without any refund, any purchase of a Ticket that might involve a risk of fraud, such as in case of a fraudulent use of a payment card, or in case of a breach of the security of Rugby World Cup 2023.
2.3. Terms of use of the Tickets
Each e-Ticket and each m-Ticket will only be valid for the match and match date stated on the Ticket, or in case of a postponement, on the date of the postponed match. Tickets are neither exchangeable nor refundable, and may not be resold on the official resale platform of FRANCE 2023 (the “Official Resale Platform of France 2023”), as mentioned in article 3.
Each Ticket will be registered and electronically delivered in the name of the BUYER, and where applicable, in the name of the BENEFICIARY.
In order to be able to enter the stadium, any HOLDER, even if they are under-age, must present their Ticket at one of the checkpoints implemented, together with an identity document in their name (national identity card or currently valid passport). In the absence of these credentials, entry to the stadium may be denied.
In the case of m-tickets, the HOLDER must carry a functional mobile terminal (such as a smartphone) that enables the reading of the bar code or QR code of the m-ticket on its screen.
FRANCE 2023 and Rugby World Cup Limited (“RWCL”) disclaim liability in case of loss or theft of the mobile terminal on which the m-ticket is stored, or in case of a malfunction of the mobile terminal (due for instance to a discharged battery, not being able to display or retrieve the m-ticket, a breakdown or technical malfunction of the mobile terminal, not being able to connect to the Internet). If need be, the HOLDER of an m-ticket may make contact with the customer service officers at the stadium, to have their ticket printed on a physical medium.
France 2023, RWCL and any official agent involved hereby disclaim liability for loss or theft of the HOLDERS’ Tickets.
Any exit from the stadium will be final. The HOLDER will not be permitted to re-enter the stadium.
2.4. Customer service
The HOLDERS should get in touch directly with the official agent from which the Ticket was bought.
Any queries concerning Tickets should be addressed to the Customer Service unit of FRANCE 2023, which may be contacted using an online form available at ( ) or by e-mail at the following address:
It is strictly forbidden to sell, transfer or offer to sell or transfer (for example on websites, in the immediate surroundings of the stadium or within the stadium precincts), in any way or form, whether free of charge or in return for consideration, any Tickets which is only for the use of the BUYER or their BENEFICIARY, without first securing the express consent of FRANCE 2023.
A Ticket may not be separated from the travel services that are included in the package.
BUYERS or BENEFICIARIES may not therefore use the Official Resale Platform.
In any event, the BUYER undertakes to comply with the T&Cs and the Stadium Rules and Regulations and hereby guarantees that any HOLDER will consent to the T&Cs and the Stadium Rules and Regulations and will comply fully with them.
In order to avoid black market sales, FRANCE 2023 is entitled to rescind, without notice and without any formalities, any order for Ticket(s) that are subsequently resold or transferred without the express consent of FRANCE 2023. If this happens the order will be cancelled, the HOLDER will be denied entry to the stadium, and civil or criminal action may also be taken against them. The price of the Ticket(s) will not be refunded.
Please note, in this respect, that article L. 313-6-2 of the French Criminal Code provides as follows: “the sale, the act of offering for sale or displaying with a view to a sale or transfer, or the provision of the means required to sell or transfer tickets to a sports, cultural or commercial event or to a live performance, on a regular basis, without the authorisation of the producer, the organiser or the owner of the rights to the event or performance in question, will be punishable by a fine of € 15,000. This will be increased to a fine of € 30,000 in case of repeat offending.”
The HOLDERS are responsible for their Tickets. Tickets will not be refunded or exchanged (including in case of loss, theft or destruction) and no duplicate will be issued.
Only persons who are in possession of a Ticket (including children) may access the stadium. Any person who is not in possession of a Ticket may be expelled from the stadium. HOLDERS must keep their Tickets in their possession at all times. Any exit from the stadium will be considered as final. The HOLDERS undertake to comply with the safety measures implemented by FRANCE 2023 in its T&Cs, as well as with the Stadium Rules and Regulations where the match is taking place. Any breach of these measures may lead to the expulsion and prosecution of the HOLDER and in this case, they will not receive a refund for their Tickets.
Access to the stadium will be prohibited to minors aged under 16 unless accompanied by an adult. FRANCE 2023 advises parents against taking children aged under 3 years old to the stadiums.
FRANCE 2023 reserves the right to request that upon entering the stadiums, holders of Tickets earmarked for wheelchair users and people with additional accessibility requirements, provide evidence that they meet the requisite criteria to use this kind of Ticket.
For reasons of safety (such as to prevent terrorism) and public health (such as to take protective measures against an epidemic like Covid-19), FRANCE 2023 may take exceptional measures that might slow down access to the precincts of the stadium, which BUYERS and BENEFICIARIES acknowledge and consent to. Access to the stadium may be restricted to carriers of the documents required by the public health authorities on the date of the event (such as a health pass or a vaccine passport).
Anyone showing clear signs of intoxication or of being under the influence of drugs will be denied access to the stadiums.
Any person entering the stadium may be made to undergo a pat-down body search and may be requested to show the objects that they are carrying. These pat-down body searches may be carried out by any agent of the organiser of the event who is approved by the regional licensing board (“commission régionale ou interrégionale d’agrément et de contrôle”), in accordance with the prevailing and applicable legal and regulatory provisions. Anyone who refuses to submit to these checks or to follow the instructions issued by the personnel in charge of ensuring the application of these measures will be denied entry to the stadium and will not receive a refund of the price of their Ticket.
The HOLDERS are advised to regularly consult the Website and the Stadium Rules and Regulations, in order to best prepare their visit to the stadiums.
A person carrying objects featured in any list of objects prohibited by law (such as the provisions of article L. 332-8 of the French Sport Code and article 132-75 of the French Criminal Code) or by the Stadium Rules and Regulations may be denied access to the stadium or ejected from the stadium, and the price of their Ticket will not be refunded. The HOLDER undertakes to comply with the law and with the rules applicable to safety within sports venues.
If a HOLDER fails to comply with the rules governing prohibited behaviours and prohibited objects that are defined below, they may be denied access to the stadium, and the price of their Ticket will not be refunded.
Please note in this respect that article L. 332-1 of the French Sport Code provides as follows: “in order to ensure the security of sports events, the organisers of these events may refuse to issue or may cancel the issuing of tickets to these events or deny access to them to any persons who have violated or who violate the provisions of the general terms of sale or of the internal rules that relate to the security of these events. To that end, the organisers may automatically process personal data pertaining to any of the violations mentioned in the penultimate section of this article, in keeping with terms laid down by a circular issued by the French Conseil d’Etat acting pursuant to a duly justified opinion issued and published by the French data protection authority, the CNIL.”
HOLDERS are barred from accessing the precincts of a stadium while in possession of the following elements:
- Propaganda material of a racist or xenophobic nature, or constituting an incitement to violence. This also applies to the wearing of clothing or insignia of a racist or xenophobic nature, or constituting an incitement to violence. FRANCE 2023 rejects any group that encourages any form of violence and that displays symbols that might incite others to engage in this kind of behaviour.
- Any advertising, commercial, political or religious elements whatsoever, such as banners, boards, symbols or fliers.
- Any weapons, such as knives, sharp objects, bars, firearms, or any dangerous object, including umbrellas.
- Laser pointers.
- Aerosol sprays, corrosive substances and colorants.
- Glass objects, any kind of bottle, bowl, can or receptacle made out of a material that is fragile, particularly hard or that poses a risk of bursting, as per the definitions of such items in the prevailing and applicable laws, as well as any object weighing more than 500 grams or any receptacle with a volume greater than 500 ml. Smaller receptacle may be authorised but their caps must be removed.
- Large sized objects, such as step ladders, stools, chairs, cardboard boxes or suitcases (no safety deposit facilities will be provided).
- Any torches, rockets, fireworks, smoke bombs or any other pyrotechnic device.
- Alcoholic drinks or any type of recreational drug.
- Animals (with the exception of guide dogs).
- Helmets of any kind, electric vehicle batteries, prams.
- Wireless devices that emit radio waves (such as cell phone signal jammers, radio scanners and walkie talkies, wi-fi routers (wireless local networking devices)), with the exception of personal mobile phones and wireless receivers (such as radios).
- Noisy mechanical devices, such as megaphones and horns operated using compressed air.
- Drones.
- Selfie sticks, cameras and video cameras for commercial purposes.
- Objects that might compromise or disrupt the experience and enjoyment of the other spectators, such as large flags, oversized hats, large umbrellas, whistles, vuvuzelas, musical instruments, horns, etc.
- Any object that FRANCE 2023 considers to be dangerous, noxious and/or illegal, or that may be used as a weapon or a projectile or that might compromise or interfere in any other way with the safety of any person or the security of the venue. Only hollow, flexible plastic poles with a maximum length of 70cm may be brought into the stadium without prior authorisation.
Similarly, it is forbidden:
- to scale or cross any fences, barriers or other elements designed to contain or segregate the audience;
- to engage in races, stampedes or slides;
- to enter onto the playing field or enter any other unauthorised area of the stadium;
- to sell or to hand over, on the precincts of the stadium or in its immediate surroundings, any promotional or commercial item or object without the prior authorisation of FRANCE 2023. FRANCE 2023 is entitled to ask the HOLDER to produce a copy of this authorisation upon entering the stadium or at any point in time during their presence in the stadium;
- to bring and/or to keep the balls used in Rugby World Cup 2023 matches
HOLDERS must at all times follow the instructions issued by the police, the members of the security detail, the fire brigade, the stewards, the medical personnel, or announced over the stadium’s tannoy system. For reasons of safety and security, HOLDERS must be prepared to change seats if the police, members of the private security detail or stewards order them to do so, even if they are asked to relocate to seats outside the zone that is in principle earmarked for them.
FRANCE 2023 is entitled to deny access to the stadium to any person whose clothing or behaviour might jeopardise the progress of the match. Respect for one another and fair-play are key values. Therefore, HOLDERS undertake in particular not to engage in any behaviour that might cause harm to other persons, to the event or to FRANCE 2023.
It is forbidden to jeopardise the progress of the match by holding an unauthorised event or demonstration within the stadium or nearby, whether the event or demonstration in question be of a commercial nature (including any “ambush marketing”), or of a militant or personal nature.
It is forbidden to conduct any sales activity whatsoever, to offer free of charge or in return for consideration, to sell or to hold items with the intention of selling them (such as, but not limited to, drinks, food, souvenirs, clothes, promotional and/or commercial items, printed materials), without the prior written authorisation of FRANCE 2023 and/or RWCL.
For safety and security reasons, parents are advised not to hold young children on their lap.
Spectators must at all times comply with the Stadium Rules and Regulations, which are available to view on the Website.
Any HOLDER authorises FRANCE 2023 and the operator of the stadium, free of charge, to record and to use images in which they appear, by any means of acquisition (photography, video, etc.) during the matches, on all media (without limitation in terms of quantity) and via any means of publication or broadcasting, worldwide and for the entire duration of the protection of the rights over same, with permission to assign these rights, for commercial or promotional purposes and/or for the purposes of showing the Rugby World Cup 2023 matches, the stadium and/or FRANCE 2023, and as part of the transmission of these matches by any medium whether current or future. FRANCE 2023 and RWCL are entitled to assign these rights freely to any third party of its choosing.
Any photographs taken or other recordings of sounds or images made by a HOLDER in a stadium may be used only for private and personal, non-commercial and non-promotional purposes. Apart from private and personal, non-commercial and non-promotional purposes, i.e. to the exclusion of any commercial purposes, the HOLDER must not publish or broadcast at any time, over the Internet, on radio, on television and/or on any other form or type of media, whether current or future, any sound, image, description or result and/or statistics of a match (whether wholly or partly), including any content of this kind created, recorded or captured as a still or moving image by mobile phones or by any other form of wireless and/or portable terminal, nor aid or abet any other person in engaging in such activities.
In order to circumvent the risk of fraud in sports, it is forbidden to bet in any way whatsoever (electronically or otherwise) within the precincts of the stadium, on any elements, results or events linked to the sports event, or to use any means of communication (electronic or otherwise) to gather sports-related data intended for betting purposes. In the event of a violation of this prohibition, all requisite measures will be taken, ranging up to expulsion of the person involved from the stadium.
It is forbidden to use any Ticket as a means of promotional and/or commercial activities, such as (i) as a prize in any competition, charity sale, auction, competition, game, lottery, internal simulation operations and any similar activities, and/or (ii) as an element of a sale linked to the provision of any services or the sale of any goods by the BUYER, a BENEFICIARY or a third party, without first securing the express approval of FRANCE 2023.
FRANCE 2023 are entitled to bring any civil or criminal action that it will see fit in case of a violation of these provisions.
The HOLDER is informed that, for their safety and security, the stadium is equipped with a CCTV system that is monitored by French officers of the Police Judiciaire and whose images may be used in case of legal action or prosecution. Data subjects have a right to access the recordings throughout the timescale of retention of the images in accordance with the provisions of article L. 253-5 of the French Homeland Security Code. This right may be exercised by writing to the operations manager of the stadium involved or to the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) at the following address: CNIL – 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.
FRANCE 2023 undertakes to process and to store any personal data that is entrusted to it in keeping with the provisions of the French data protection law no. 78-10 of 6 January 1978, subsequently modified by the French law no. 2018-493 of 20 June 2018, as well as the European General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 (the “GDPR”), solely for the purposes of the organisation and the management of the matches that it organises and to keep BUYERS informed about the latest news of FRANCE 2023 and grant them priority access to goods and services linked to its activities. The HOLDERS are informed that they have rights of access, rectification, limitation, portability and erasure over this information in accordance with the French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 and the GDPR (as mentioned above). Any person whose personal data is gathered also has the right to challenge, on legitimate grounds, the processing of their data, and the right to determine the fate of their data after their death. These rights may be exercised at any time by sending a request by post to the following address:
FRANCE 2023 – 5 avenue du Coq, 75009 Paris, France.
FRANCE 2023 undertakes to deal with this request within a timescale of one month following its receipt.
If a HOLDER believes, after contacting FRANCE 2023, that their data protection rights have not been complied with, they may send a complaint to the CNIL
For more information concerning the processing of personal data, please consult our confidentiality policy, which is accessible at the following address:
Insofar as this is permitted by law, FRANCE 2023, RWCL and any official agent involved disclaim liability for any damage and/or incidents beyond their control that occur during the event. If FRANCE 2023 and/or the official agent involved are held liable for such an incident, FRANCE 2023 and the official agent undertake to refund the price of the Tickets that the BUYER paid to FRANCE 2023, subject to the applicable rules and regulations.
FRANCE 2023 will not be held liable in case of non-performance, late performance or partial performance of its obligations due to circumstances of force majeure, as defined by article 1218 of the French Civil Code, that results: (i) in the outright cancellation, the partial cancellation or the deferral of Rugby World Cup 2023, or (ii) the holding of Rugby World Cup 2023 behind closed doors or with a limited audience, compelling it as a result to cancel all or part of the Tickets ordered for Rugby World Cup 2023. If RWCL decides to hold a match behind closed doors, the HOLDER will be denied access to the stadium. For the avoidance of doubt, the following will be considered as constituting force majeure: epidemics and pandemics (including Covid-19), and all decisions taken by government, administrative or judicial authorities to deal with same that are binding upon FRANCE 2023 and that have an impact on the organisation of Rugby World Cup 2023.
Within the same limitations, the HOLDER waives and undertakes to ensure that its insurers waive any direct or subrogation actions against FRANCE 2023 and its insurers in connection with the events that are described above, and by extension, in case of force majeure.
Any ancillary bookings, including travel arrangements, accommodation, purchases, rentals, or in general any services that are booked by the HOLDERS in connection with their attendance at the match, will be at their own expense and risk.
The HOLDER will be responsible for any personal property that they bring into the stadiums, FRANCE 2023 and the official agent disclaim liability in case of loss, theft or damage to the personal property of the HOLDER.
The teams that are due to play in the matches, the compositions of the teams, the venues, the dates and times of the events may be modified at any time by decisions taken by the Rugby authorities and/or any administrative authority. Neither FRANCE 2023 nor the entities to which it delegates the provision of services as part of the organisation of the matches will incur any liability as a result.
Any persons that the BUYER brings into a stadium remains under the full responsibility of the BUYER.
The BUYER agrees to ensure the BENEFICIARY or BENEFICIARIES’ full compliance with these T&Cs and with the Stadium Rules and Regulations and undertakes to disclose to them the texts of these provisions, or the web links giving access to same. The BUYER acknowledges and agrees that the Tickets that are allocated to them might be for seats that are not located side by side or even near one another.
Any personal arrangements made by a HOLDER in connection with his or her attendance at a match, including travel, accommodation or hospitality bookings, are at the HOLDER’s sole risk, and France 2023 and/or RWCL or the official agent involved hereby disclaim liability for same.
13.1. Scope of the validity of the Ticket
FRANCE 2023 does not guarantee that the match for which the Ticket is sold will be held on the date, at the time and at the venue stated on the Ticket.
FRANCE 2023 and RWCL will be entitled to make changes to the time, the date, the duration or the venue of any match, or to any other detail of relevance to any Ticket, in case of unforeseen circumstances, such as force majeure, safety or security issues or decisions taken by any authorised person or by any authority that has jurisdiction to do so.
In case of such a change, FRANCE 2023, RWCL and any official agent involved will not be liable to the BUYER of the Tickets, or to any other person, for the costs, expenses or losses arising from this change, save as per the terms that are set out in the following paragraphs.
As soon as possible after the decision to delay, postpone, reschedule or cancel a match, all the information available will be uploaded to the Website and brought to the attention of the BUYER by any available means. Please note that it is also the HOLDER’s responsibility to ascertain whether the match has been delayed, postponed, rescheduled or cancelled, whatever its date, time or place.
In accordance with the provisions of articles L. 332-15 and L. 332-16 of the French Sport Code, FRANCE 2023 will cancel any Ticket(s), and will expel a HOLDER from the stadium, where applicable, as soon as it is informed about a measure decreed by a government body or a court banning the HOLDER in question from entering any stadium.
If a BUYER, BENEFICIARY or a HOLDER commits a violation of these T&Cs or of the Stadium Rules and Regulations, or any fraud or attempted fraud that is detected in the stadium or at the security checkpoints, or any violation of the safety and security regulations that are applicable in sports venues, this will result in the cancellation of the Ticket and the expulsion of the HOLDER from the stadium, if FRANCE 2023 considers this appropriate.
13.2. Delay
In case of a delay (such as if the starting whistle is delayed for any reason whatsoever on the day of the match, whatever the duration of the delay, or the match’s start time is deferred, whatever the new arrangements, but not the date), FRANCE 2023 will not have any obligation to refund to the BUYER any part of the price of the Ticket(s), nor to pay the BUYER any compensation for the delay or for any consequences that this delay might have for the BUYER, the HOLDER and/or any third parties.
13.3. Interruption
In the event of a definitive interruption of the match after it has begun, FRANCE 2023 will not have any obligation to refund to the BUYER any part of the price of the Ticket(s) nor to pay them any compensation for the subsequent deferral of the match or for any consequences that this might have for the BUYER, the HOLDER and/or any third parties.
13.4. Postponement
If a match is interrupted in accordance with the terms of article 13.3 or rescheduled for another date:
- a) if the match is postponed to a different date at the same venue as initially planned: the HOLDER of the Tickets may use the original Ticket(s) to watch the rescheduled match.
- b) if the match is postponed to a different date at another venue, FRANCE 2023 will do everything in its power for the match to take place in a stadium of equal or greater capacity. FRANCE 2023 will then issue to the HOLDER of the Ticket(s), Ticket(s) of the same category or of a higher category for the deferred match. If the rescheduled match is held in a stadium with insufficient capacity, the Ticket(s) will be refunded as soon as possible to the BUYER.
13.5. Matches played behind closed doors or with limited capacity
If a match is played behind closed doors or with a limited audience pursuant to a decision taken by FRANCE 2023 and RWCL, whatever the reason for this, the HOLDER’s Ticket may be refunded provided that the BUYER requests this within fifteen working days following the originally planned date of the match. The refund will be issued to the BUYER within two months following this date.
13.6. Cancellation
If a match is cancelled outright, the HOLDER’s Ticket will be refunded provided that the BUYER requests this within forty-five working days following the originally scheduled date of the final Rugby World Cup 2023 match. In case of outright cancellation of Rugby World Cup 2023 as a whole, the Ticket will be refunded provided that the BUYER requests this within forty-five working days following the date on which the cancellation of Rugby World Cup 2023 was made public and brought to the BUYER’s attention. The refund will be issued to the BUYER within two months following that date.
Any claim regarding billing will only be considered if it is raised within forty-five working days following the scheduled date of the final match of the Tournament. The BUYER may contact the Customer Service unit of FRANCE 2023 or of the official agent, where applicable. if they have any questions or issues.
If any provisions of these T&Cs are deemed inapplicable, for any reason, by a court or an authority that has jurisdiction, the other remaining provisions will remain fully in force, in accordance with the intention of the parties.
The French version of these T&Cs is the only authentic and authoritative version.
They are accessible at the following URL:
These T&Cs are governed by and interpreted in accordance with French law.
Any dispute in connection with the purchase or the use of a Ticket must be brought to the attention of COULEUR by means of a letter sent by registered post to the following address: 2, place Camille Georges, 69002 Lyon, France.
In accordance with article L. 612-1 of the French Consumer Code, in case of a dispute, the BUYER may resort, free of charge, to the mediation service of AME Conso, which FRANCE 2023 is registered with, in a bid to reach an amicable settlement:
– via the Internet at the following URL:
– or by post: AME Conso, 11 place Dauphine, 75001 Paris, France.
Any dispute arising from the application or the interpretation of these T&Cs, and in general, any dispute in connection with the purchase or the use of the Tickets, must be brought before the French courts.